Children and Young People
Professional (Early years, Schools & Collages)
All Noticeboard Posts
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can help with extra living costs if you have both: a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability and difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of your condition
Information for individuals with ADHD to understand, embrace, and effectively manage their unique traits.
Information about how girls with autism can present.
Working to support, educate, and bring change. There are lots of helpful resources on the site.
Helps people on the autistic spectrum and the people around them,
The one stop shop for all you need to know about sleep.
Lots of resources to support children from pregnancy, babies to pre-schoolers. For families and professionals.
Early Years pedagogy, provision and practice.
Training and consultancy service
The Launchpad for Literacy is an approach to literacy readiness for all children within the Early Years
Training sessions for school staff around: Handwriting, Motor skills, Attention, Perception, Food therapy, Extreme behaviour and Sensory
Training and consultancy service
Training and resources for Early Years professionals
Supporting Service children across North Yorkshire
Thrive offers a trauma-informed, whole school or setting approach to improving the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people.
An organisation dedicated to improving the social, emotional, mental health and wellbeing of children and young people
Free resources for home and school to use with Lego
Get the most out of your software with a number of training options.
Dedicated training and resources for Clicker DocsPlus and Clicker Communicator
SEMH support from a variety of professionals including NYC and the NHS
An online community for SEND professionals, practitioners and advocates to share ideas, connect with peers and keep up to date.
Information for early years childcare providers and associated professionals
Free weekly emailed updates for schools, often includes information about SEND.
Specialist SEND services in North Yorkshire, co-ordinated through 4 locality based hubs.
The resources on Inclusion Hub support a wide range of needs from EAL to SEND. Requires a subscription
SEN teaching resources including printable and apps
A resource centre focused on promoting social and emotional well-being among children and young people through information and support.
Information and support for the mental health and well-being of children and young people in the UK
ADHD UK is by people with ADHD for people with ADHD
Information, support, and resources to improve understanding and help individuals with ADHD and related conditions
Find local groups, services or activities in your area.
Guidance, training, and support to enhance the educational experiences of children and young people with autism
Information, support, and advocacy for young people with Autism
Information about where to get autism support
Information, support, and advocacy for individuals on the autism spectrum and their families
Valuable resource providing information, tools, and support for individuals, educators, and parents dealing with dyscalculia-related challenges
Information and resources to support individuals with dyscalculia
Online educational platform offering a wide range of learning materials, videos, and interactive content
Watch a film about different post 16 pathways in HKR for students with an EHCP
Free accessible textbooks and resources for learners with dyslexia, dyspraxia and visually impaired.
Blog about studying with dyslexia
Inspiring videos and resources about dyslexia
Provides a collective voice that champions the rights of children, young people and their families and challenges barriers to inclusion.
Inspiring videos and resources about dyslexia
Special Educational Needs and online CPD training sessions for schools and parents.
Special Educational Needs and online CPD training sessions for schools and parents.
The Nessy website offers a range of educational resources and games designed to support and improve literacy skills, particularly for individuals with dyslexia.
The British Dyslexic Association website provides information, support, and resources for individuals with dyslexia and those affected by it.
Summary of recommendations for supporting SEND pupils in mainstream schools
Information, support, and resources to enhance the lives of individuals with autism and their families.