Clicker and DocsPlus Renewals
Click here to learn more about how to renew your Clicker or DocsPlus subscription
Early Years Verbo Project
Speech, Language and Communication online tool. Available to PVIs and Childminders.
Craven Outreach SENCO
Support available for early Identification of SEN needs. Available to all Primary Schools
Help us improve

We want to hear from you about whether you feel the projects you’ve been involved with were worthwhile. The information we gather helps us to improve the projects that we offer and to justify the work of the boards.
See the impact section above for surveys.
And finally, every year we want to hear from you…

Every year we ask settings to complete a survey, the results will to guide your Locality Board in their future priorities. We will let you know on this website and via email when the next survey is ready to complete.
Interested in getting involved?
We currently have vacancies for primary headteachers. We have one meeting every half-term, click here if you’d like to apply.
Craven Locality Board Members