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Early Years Verbo Project

What is Verbo and how can it help your setting?

Verbo is an online speech and language therapy (SaLT) toolkit to support education staff working with children from
age 2 to post-16. Verbo upskills and empowers education professionals enabling them to provide SaLT support for all
children in their setting. It supports high quality practice with the hope that every child in your setting has the
opportunity to maximise their communication potential at the right time without the barriers of staff resourcing or
lack of expertise.

Verbo for Early Years

Our newly developed Early Years content includes:

● Screening tools for ages 2, 3 and 4 years, with automatically generated targets and activity recommendations
● Progress tracking for individual children
● Opportunity to share information with parents/carers so they can see children’s targets, progress and related
● ‘Watch, Wait, Communicate’ Adult-Child Interaction webinar series for Early Years Practitioners to maximise
their existing skills and optimise children’s opportunities for communication
● Further webinars including Early Years-focused training on Multilingual Language Development and Speech
Sound Development
● Early Years Environment audit
● A growing video library of therapists explaining and demonstrating activities, with downloadable resources
● A range of information leaflets
● Robust impact measures and personalised outcome reports 

Click here if the video above is not working


● Developing staff skills at a targeted level will benefit multiple children across a setting
● Instant access to screening and monitoring tools as well as recommendations, supports appropriate
referrals and avoids the need to wait for specialists in order to start targeted support

Who is Verbo for?

Verbo has resources that support at a universal and a targeted level. For children with specialist needs it is important
to refer to a local SaLT service. Verbo may have some advice and ideas to support getting started or support while
waiting for specialist input.

Verbo in North Yorkshire – Register your setting now.

Verbo has been funded by North Yorkshire and is available at no cost to your setting for the next academic year.
We want Verbo to be able to support as many children and settings as possible. The hope is to secure longer term
funding. To do this we need as many Early Years settings as possible to make use of the platform to support the
children in their care.

Ready to sign up to Verbo? Click here or use the QR code to register as an Early Years Setting or Childminder.


Introduction to Verbo Video from North Yorkshire Council’s EY SENCo Network Meeting May 2024 (click below to view)